“Kid-Friendly” versions of the Tech Events for Shakespeare – easier to understand and follow.

If you still have questions, or you want to give feedback,
email llanning@pacbell.net and put Tech in the subject line.

Varsity – now has 4 categories
Varsity Sets & Lights Shakespeare kid friendly 1-19.pdf – to be updated
Varsity Graphics & Publicity Shakespeare kid friendly 1-19.pdf – okay to use Fall directions
Varsity Shakespeare Court kid-friendly 1-19.pdf
Varsity Shakespeare Character kid friendly 1-19.pdf

Junior Varsity –May ONLY enter Graphics & Publicity AND Character Costume
JV Shakespeare Sets & Lights kid friendly 1-19.pdf – to be updated
JV Shakespeare Graphics & Publicity kid friendly 1-19.pdf – okay to use Fall directions
JV Shakespeare Court kid friendly 1-19.pdf
JV Shakespeare Character kid friendly 1-19.pdf

Middle School –May ONLY enter Graphics & Publicity AND Character Costume
MS Shakespeare Sets & Lights kid friendly 1-19.pdf – okay to use Fall directions
MS Shakespeare Graphics & Publicity kid friendly 1-19.pdf – okay to use Fall directions
MS Shakespeare Court kid friendly 1-19.pdf
MS Shakespeare Character kid friendly 1-19.pdf