
Thespys are Performance and Technical categories open to all Thespians!  Present your best work, and be considered  for state-level recognition and eligibility to present at the International Thespian festival, all while receiving specific and individualized feedback!

Freshmen and sophomores may compete in one category, and juniors and seniors may compete in one or two different categories. Playwriting does NOT count towards your 1-2 category limit, so feel free to submit your script for that Thespy and for Playworks consideration!

All EdTA rules must be followed, including those for slating, dress code, and sets/props. Be sure to read the rules for your specific category carefully (linked in the table below).

Directing and Props Design entries are not eligible for the International Thespian Festival.

** NEW IN 2025** All Performance Thespys will be submitted virtually and evaluated online by professional judges from the theatre industry.  Students will be able to see their feedback in Open Water, and students who receive a Superior rating (determined by average) will be invited to perform and receive adjudication again in-person at Festival.  This adjudication will be for purposes of mainstage performance and Judge’s Choice – a Superior received on Open Water receive is official and will not be changed at Festival!

For this year, Tech Thespys will still all be presented in-person (except for Directing, Playwriting, and Animated/Short Film, which continue to be adjudicated online), but students should still fill out their Open Water application with title information to reserve their in-person presentation slot.

Thespy Adjudication: Performers & presenters receive written feedback from judges using the rubrics on the webpages linked on the next page.  Performance Thespys, Directing, Short Film, and Playwriting will be adjudicated online before State Festival, and scores and feedback will be released during February 2025. Other Technical categories – and Performance categories that receive a Superior ranking – will be scheduled to present their Thespy at State Festival, where they will receive another round of feedback.

Students who receive an overall Superior rating are invited to the next round of Thespys at the International Thespian Festival in Bloomington, IN. An overall Superior rating is achieved when the average of all judges’ scores on an entry is in the Superior point range for that category. 

Thespy Content: Please see the EdTA Page on Rights & Licensing for guidance, and for a list of pre-approved publishers and titles! Only pre-approved titles will be accepted. 

Some outstanding Thespy performances may be invited to perform on mainstage. If you are interested in performing mainstage, you must follow Guidelines for Mainstage Content. (cont. on next page)

Thespy Category Time Limit
Solo Acting (submit online by Jan 31) 3 minutes to present 2 contrasting Monologues
Duet and Group Acting 

(submit online by Jan 31)

5 minutes to present 1 Scene
Musical Theatre Performance

(solo, duet, and group separate categories) (submit online by Jan 31)

5 minutes to present 1 Song
Musical Theatre Dance

(solo, duet, and group all compete)

(submit online by Jan 31)

5 minutes to present 1 Dance
Short Film (submit online by Jan 31) 5 minutes + 1 minute for credits
Playwriting (submit online by Jan 31) The play must be 20 minutes or fewer (approx. 20 typed pages)
Directing (not eligible for ITF, submit online by Jan 31) 5-8 minute presentation + 5 minute scene (no Q&A)
Costume Construction 5-8 minute presentation + 4 minute Q&A
Costume Design 5-8 minute presentation + 4 minute Q&A
Hair & Make-up Design 5-8 minute presentation + 4 minute Q&A
Lighting Design 5-8 minute presentation + 4 minute Q&A
Props Design (not eligible for ITF) 5-8 minute presentation + 4 minute Q&A
Scenic Design 5-8 minute presentation + 4 minute Q&A
Sound Design 5-8 minute presentation + 4 minute Q&A
Stage Management 5-8 minute presentation + 4 minute Q&A
Theatre Marketing 5-8 minute presentation + 4 minute Q&A

(cont. on next page)

Thespys (cont.)

**NEW IN 2025** Performance Thespy submissions that relate to the Festival theme “Together We Bloom” will be considered for inclusion in the Festival Finale. To have your Thespy considered for Festival Finale, click the box at the bottom of the Thespy submission form. 

Fee: $40 per Thespy event (not per student)

Limit on Entries: Thespys are open to inducted Thespians. 

  • Freshmen & Sophomores may enter 1 Playwriting Thespy and 1 other category. 
  • Juniors & Seniors may enter 1 Playwriting Thespy and up to 2 other, different categories. 
  • No individual may enter the same category twice. 

How to Apply: 

  1. Due Jan 31: Troupe Directors add their troupe’s total number of entries to their troupe’s registration. 
    • The entry fee(s) will be added to your troupe’s registration invoice.
  2. Due Jan 31: Each Thespy entry (not each participant) must submit the following:

Please note: 

  • An Open Water form is required for EACH THESPY EVENT
  • Rights clearance is required for Acting, Musical Theatre, and Musical Theatre Dance.  If your title is ineligible due to rights clearance, your piece can still be adjudicated, but will not be eligible for Superior consideration.  If you have any questions or need assistance in confirming that the rights to your piece are available, please email directly for help! 
  • Submitted titles may be changed for a $35 fee until March 1.  No changes will be permitted after March 1.
  • Directing and Props Design entries are not eligible for the International Thespian Festival.


Click here to see all Thespy forms on one page. 

Updated Nov 27, 2024